[center][i]Prince Aeternus ll Nexus Town Gates Affected Players: Rose, Mystic, Vick, Maximellio [/i][/center] Prince's eye slightly widened as a woman clad in armor walked closer cautiously placing herself between him and the colorful man, only being a couple inches shorter then himself. Unsure how to take this situation he was currently in. It was more or less Mystic had spoken of his true identity, much to everyone else's thoughts. [b]"Mhmm yes we are neighbors, I babysit her often since her parents otherwise leave her home alone. I thank you for taking care of my dear little girl beautiful maiden, my name is Prince."[/b] he cheered, keeping up his act, though slightly more hesitant with the presence of Mystic, whom was thankfully distracted by his dear pet. As Vick came closer, looking at him questionably, Prince simply grinned innocently. [b]"Ah well it's quite a funny story but I often dressed up for her since I can be quite the crossdresser. She enjoyed when I dressed up like one of her Barbie dolls.... Now now cutie don't you go imagining me in a bikini or something you naughty little boy."[/b] Prince smirked though whispered that part in his ear teasingly before humming as he pulled away. It wasn't a lie, he did really do that back home when they played together. It was easy for him to cross dress as a guy or a girl. Though honestly he looked better as a guy, he wasn't confident in his more feminine features due to being tall and pretty flat. Still Alison always enjoyed the dresses he put on for her so that was all that mattered. The things he goes through to please little girls. [b]"Anyways, I apologize for the commotion, honestly I rather be sleeping right now but this little brother of mine has decided to bother some of the booth keepers and steal my little cutie's money. Can't have that now eh?"[/b] he purred, flinching a little as another static of electricity flowing through him and he coughed a little. Running on forty was hard work after all. Pain tolerance... Wonder if they have pain killers in this world? Mhm not likely. --- [url=http://tektek.org/av/897119][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img841/8455/atrs.png[/img][/url] HP: 40% SP: 20% Status Effects: Paralyze Level 4 [i]Inventory[/i] HP potions: 6 Sp potions: 9 Wooden Harp: 1 Cinnamon Cookies: 5 Gold: 62 Wolf Pelt: 1 Wolf Fang: 2 [u]Enemies[/u] [hider=Playlist] Track 1: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vBpwJJonlLY]Gravity[/url] Track 2: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B8UeeIAJ0a0]Iris by Goo Goo Dolls[/url] Track 3: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sXXPe7jBP7Y]Onaji Hanashi[/url] Track 4: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fPERg2HqO_Y]Numa Numa[/url] Track 5: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uUKttV-BPLw]Conqueror of the Sky[/url] Track 6: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jZhpQWXOffY]Escaping the Kraken[/url][/hider] [center][i]Mystic Aeternus ll Nexus Town Square Affected Players: Vick, Rose, Prince, Maximellio [/i][/center] Mystic continued gently petting the puppy who yipped happily before looking up at Prince curiously before giving a cheerful smile as she recognized the name. [b]"Oh! Your playing Prince the witty kitty pirate! He's a funny person."[/b] Mystic said eagerly before looking up at Vick and pointing at him. [b]"Is he your first mate?"[/b] she mused curiously before looking towards the colorful man before grinning. [b]"Oh oh! Can I summon something to catch him?"[/b] Mystic said gleefully, eager to try out her abilities with a soft huff, her bright purple eyes glowing with excitement. --- [url=http://tektek.org/av/907689][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img631/7699/48962a.png[/img][/url] HP: 100% SP: 150% Status Effects: None Level 1 [i]Inventory[/i] HP potions: 5 Sp potions: 10 Gold: 50 Gold [hider=Relationships][b]Ares:[/b] Stranger [b]S.V:[/b] Stranger [b]Moon234:[/b] Stranger [b]Sick Vimith:[/b] Stranger [b]Lilith:[/b] Stranger [b]Wandering Fool:[/b] Stranger [b]The Imagineer:[/b] Stranger [b]Xenoko Feng:[/b] Stranger [b]Rose:[/b] Friendly [b]Sarebii:[/b] Friendly [b]Prince:[/b] Friend- Nice and funny person who is like a older sibling. Nicknamed 'Fluffy' [b]Winter:[/b] Stranger[/hider] --- Both Prince chuckled at the little girl's words before looking toward Vick with a sly smirk. [b]"Oh yes he is defiantly my first mate."[/b] he purred mischievously as if noting a double meaning to that but hummed a soft tune as he gently scooped up the little girl so she sat on his left shoulder. [b]"Now now no summoning creatures during festival time."[/b] Prince mused. [b]"Awwwwwe!!!!![/b] Mystic groaned loudly and pouted. Prince laughed before glancing to Rose and whispered in her ear. [b]"Keep my secret please?"[/b] he said in a soft gentle hum.