[center][b]KK[/b] [i]Aeternus || Nexus - Lantern Festival Affected Characters: [/center][/i] [hider=The before times...] Kristy skipped to the door as the bell rang again, the chime echoing through her small home, and flung the heavy wood portal open with a flourish. "Took ya long enough, ya dingus!" She called out, small arms crossing over her chest, brow furrowing, and lips sticking out in an over-the-top pout. I texted you like... [i]thirty minutes[/i] ago!" "It takes 30 minutes to get here from my place, KK..." Ben said with a smirk as he shook the rain out of his shaggy hair and stepped through the doorway, careful to take his sneakers off and not track mud into the house. "Details!" She shouted out to no one as she spun on her heels but was stopped short of stomping off as Ben's arms wrapped around her waist. Kristy giggled as she twisted so their foreheads pressed together as he leaned in. "Those who maketh me wait shan't be graced with mine kiss." Now it was Ben's turn to adopt the pouty look and after a moment of puppy-eyes she sighed, "Very well... Thy did braveth the rain... -eth..." She offered him a light kiss, light but not uncaring, and pulled back when he tried to go deeper, much to his disappointment. KK pretended not to notice, spinning about again and pulling him into the living room. Physical signs of affection were hard for her and she knew she didn't give him enough credit for carrying through it. "So did you start playing without me?" She asked, pushing him onto the couch while she fiddled with the DVR. "Nah..." He muttered, sinking into the soft leather. "It was still installing when I left. Besides, I thought we agreed to start together?" KK nodded, finding the animated movie they were going to watch. "Well [i]duh[/i] but I thought maybe you wouldn't be able to wait!" She plopped down next to him, snuggling against his side as the title screen came on. "I watched some more gameplay vids and man does it look [i]sweeeeeeeet[/i]! There are like... 100 unique classes!" Ben chuckled, wrapping his arms around her. "Don't remind me or I'll run out of here right now and go back to my own copy!" Mentally blocking her urge to tense as he pulled her into him, KK was glad he couldn't see the small droop in her smile. "Ya, well you do that and I'll just have to log in and kick your butt!" "Your karate training won't be much good in the game! I'll definitely beat you this time." They both shared a laugh as the movie started but inside, KK was twisty and turny. [i]Why... Are feelings so hard?[/i] A few hours later she was waving through the rain as he pulled out of the driveway, sighing as she pressed the door closed with her back while her head hung unto her chest. She wandered around for a few minutes, staring at her cellphone and waiting for his text that he was ready to play but after a time she grew restless with the silence and her own confused thoughts. "Well he can't really be mad if I just log in to look through the class list..." She slipped the visor over head and, after a moment of hesitation, started the program. [center][i]Welcome to Aeternus...[/i][/center] [/hider] KK bounded cheerfully between the stalls, eyes huge with childlike wonderment at all the sounds, smell, and sights that the Lantern Festival had to offer. "I want one of those! And one of those! Ooh! Four of those! Six of those! AHH!!! And that puppy!" The NPC shop keeper following her simply maintained his stoney expression as he tallied the order on a small note pad. "Lookit hiz widdle fashe!" The small girl cooed as the tiny wolf pup gave an excited yap as she squished its cheeks together. She squealed in glee as it licked her nose, its tongue feeling just like its real world counterpart. Jumping onto the countertop with the dog in her arms, she jabbed a single finger to the sky and shouted loud enough for several nearby players to glance at her in alarm. "I MUST HAVE HIM!" "Of course m'am, the shopkeeper mumbled in monotone. "The total comes to 156,329 gold pieces." Kalimay froze in her triumphant position, calculating the amount of gold in her purse to the amount she required. This took her a lot longer than it should have. "I MUST MAKE MORE GOLD!" Giving the pet one final kiss, receiving a lick in return, KK stuffed the puppy into the startled NPC's hands and launched herself off the stall. "Gold? Got extra gold? Gold to spare? Where can I make gold?" She asked her questions in the face of every terrified person she passed though often didn't wait for a reply, until finally she reached the edge of the festival and just about ran out of targets. In desperation she spotted a small group of players near the edge of things and one shining name bar above a dark-armored knight named 'Ares' showed something that made her eyes sparkle. Bolting up completely oblivious to the situation she was barging into, she slid into his waist and wrapped her arms around him, large eyes looking up at him. "You're level [i]5[/i]?! Please, you've [i]got[/i] to spare me some gold! It's an emergency! AN ADORABLE EMERGENCY!" Her saucer-plate hazel eyes glimmered as if on the verge of tears to accent her over-the-top pouty face. [center]--------------------------------------- HP: 100% SP: 100 Level: 1 Inventory Potion x4 Gold x10 [/center] [center][url=http://tektek.org/av/961229][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img673/6359/d5840a.png[/img][/url][/center] [hider=Move Pool] [b]Magic[/b] [u]Boom, Boom, Pow![/u] – the Breaker's attacks gain an explosive buff, dealing extra damage to the target and surrounding enemies. Lasts for 10 seconds. Cost 40SP [u]Brittle Bones[/u] - the Breaker strikes the target's arm or leg and applies a 'Broken Bone' debuff which prevents them from using a weapon or shield (arm) or that decreases their movement speed/agility (leg). Lasts for 30 seconds. Cost 30SP [b]Melee[/b] [u]1, 2, Punch![/u] – the Breaker's standard three-hit combo that decreases a percentage of a target's armor on the third hit. This increases damage they receive and when a target's armor reaches 0%, their armor 'breaks' and they take double damage. [u]Roundhouse Kick[/u] – the Breaker swings their foot around the strike the target in the head with a chance to stun and knock down.[/hider]