Kai Ro, Micron, and the new Flash were in awe that the gathered rookie heroes were so willing to listen to each other. After smiling for a few moments, the Lantern snapped back to attention and laid out a plan of action. Barda and her husband Mister Miracle are overseeing what looks like a large generator type of device being constructed by infected civilians... "We'll need a small team to go take out whatever it is the infected are building for Brainiac. Remember Barda is almost as strong as Superman and her husband is about as agile as an acrobat, if possible we need to try and remove the infected areas in the center of their foreheads to try and snap them out of it." Kai Ro continued explaining. "I'll take a team into the Watchtower with me, microscopic style. We can get their attention and neutralize the bulk of Brainiac's techno-zombie army and give Lantern a decent shot at finding his ring." Micron added. The Flash just stood there. Nobody said anything about saving all of the infected civilians. Of course it would probably be protocol after the threat is neutralized, but it just didn't seem like her priorities were straight. Danica cleared her throat and spoke up getting the attention of everyone, Animal giving her the eye like a wolf in some old Warner Bros. cartoon from the 1960's. "If it's alright, I'll take any help I can get with the infected civilians. I can get them cleared out of the area but I can't get in close to tear the infection out of their foreheads without possibly vibrating my hand through their skulls or risk getting infected myself. The infected aren't lightning fast... but they're fast enough to give me a headache when there's two or three dozen of them." the Flash said, hoping the rookie wouldn't all just immediately sign up to fight somebody or break something. "Did somebody forget about the big B?" Animal asked with a sarcastic tone. "Not at all," Kai Ro replied, "When the central conscience of Brainiac makes itself known we can all converge on it's location and attack it on all fronts. If we can manage to free Superman sooner than later, maybe he'll know what to do." the ringless Lantern concluded. ~KL~