Daryna was helped up by some woman - maybe that quarian Kali. Anyway, her sight recovered relatively quickly and by then Saseen was gone anyway. That was as good as she could hope for. Averting eye contact from anyone in the room, she grabbed her testicle cooler and headed out the door. Daryna spent the next few minutes listening to a recording of the meeting - she needed to commit it to long term memory in order for it to stick. She listened to every word Tanya said, and was enthused all over again to get this job done. She had stolen valuable things in her career - but a spaceship was worth serious cred. Daryna first decided to grab lunch at a nearby bar - no krogan or asari food, which Daryna was used to eating, but batarian food was... good enough. Certainly different. She had some kind of meaty thing... maybe a squid. It was easy to forget the meal with the hilarious sitcom playing in the corner - she found herself laughing along with every batarian in the joint. It reminded Daryna of Khel Galdor's favorite cartoon that he made her watch - Dakor the Explorer. The krogan who searched the galaxy for the cure to the genophage with his talking rifle, Salarisniper, and the head of a turian who would give Dakor hints of where to find the cure. Thinking of Dakor only made Daryna miss her father more, however. Sure, Daryna had 30,000 credits worth of krogan testicles, but she needed something she could pay for more souvenirs with - she needed hard creds. The solution was usually easy - and it was Daryna's favorite pastime. She found a group of three batarians - they looked like friends - walking down the street. What started with an innocent "Hello my friends! I am Mysteria the Hypnotist! I bet you fifty credits that I could put one of you under my spell" - turned into watching the slowest of the batarians doing elegant dances all across the street. Eventually, Daryna had gathered a crowd of over twenty passerby, all claiming that they would be the one to resist her hypnosis. Daryna ended up making over 600 credits before the crowd began to get restless. The first batarian who accused her of being an evil witch ended up soiling himself, and the attention had shifted well away from Daryna, who made off into a nearby alleyway. She later found herself at the docks, wearing a tie-dye t-shirt that said "I Heart Cartagena", a fan that also sprayed water to keep her cool, and a charm bracelet with ten festive charms.