Behind the primary fighting line of the rebellion was a gathering of those who were injured, yet still willing enough to go on in spite of that. The wounds weren’t critical, but painful enough to make them flinch if they took too careless an action. Blood came in heavy amounts on the battlefield and it was always preferred to keep yours inside of you. The last stretch of keeping their home was here, something many didn’t want to miss. It could be considered a historical triumph for Konoha to bounce back from their defeat half a year ago, and so many wished to say that they had fought in that uprising. The thought alone of being able to look back at this day and know they fought proudly made the pain so much more bearable. In spite of the situation in their favor, what many could notice was an Akimichi named Kenta out there next to the commander of the forces, but it was hard to make out what was being said. Joining her injured comrades, Kaede wordlessly established her presence to them by quietly coming to their sides and applying to them the seal they had missed receiving earlier. They couldn’t be blamed; the confidence of a man and woman was a powerful thing, yet here they were in lingering agony. The hospital was quite a walk, and the medic-nin that were brought into squads had done well in her stead. To hasten the process, Kaede brought to them her energy both positive and warm. In the very center of this gathering she had stood in silence, bathing the wounded in her power. Wounds became numb and relaxed, torn tissue began to repair and seal itself up in a rate normal medical ninjutsu couldn’t hasten for others. [b]“Bless you, Lady Kaede.”[/b] [b]“Thank you.” [/b] [b]“Where would we be without you?”[/b] Kaede took the praise, only thankful that her fellow villagers were at peace now. Those previously clutching their sides or laying down to rest found themselves reenergized and replenished in strength and energy. At this close proximity to a majority of the forces, all who carried Kaede’s Amelioration Seal could feel a stronger sense of warmth and good spreading across their exhausted and cautious bodies. With her so near and supporting them, the morale had soared in tense silence. Some were happy of course knowing she was still safe and behind them, but couldn’t be distracted. Small engagements were still happening, but were small and merely a result of the Empire holding the perimeter they formed to their barracks. Takeo was out there talking, and from here Kaede couldn’t make out what was being said, but saw that Natsumi and her mother, Miss Chizuma, were near him. Seeing who they were facing out there struck her hard, yet the Hyuga stood firm in spite of her shock. Kenta Akimichi …he was a good man on the opposing side, and she couldn’t imagine what he must’ve felt right now. Even from here the Byakugan could read the details on his face; he wasn’t proud of how things had faired, and he didn’t mask the sadness of the glares hitting him from all sides. [b]“Who goes there?” [/b] someone questioned to an unknown figure behind her. Kaede turned around with her focus on what everyone else surrounding her was turning towards; the woman from before who had given aid to Katsu Uchiha was now casually making her way towards her. Within her grasp Kaede could make out a headband of Konoha, something that wasn’t in her position before, and obviously couldn’t have belonged to her. This wasn’t the place for strangers and Kaede could feel the adrenaline flowing through all of her nearby companions, meaning that thanks to her they were in a position to fight and protect their comrades and her if need be. Kaede raised her hands on either side of her and motioned for them to lower their weaponry, and in spite of the Lady’s age they had listened to her, something that continued to amaze Kaede. Her jounin status wasn’t taken so lightly, though she suspected that it was their respect for her as a person instead of her rank. Regardless of what was chosen among them, she appreciated them not lashing out. This wasn’t the time for someone to be wandering here, especially in the middle of a battle. This woman of unknown origin may have saved Katsu, but was taking the horrors of battle too softly, and that alarmed Kaede. If she wanted to fight then it was likely to go poorly for her, but if she was coming here so casually then there was a chance her business here was anything other than fighting. Not knowing who this woman was or her business here and even though she wanted to rejoin Natsumi and make sure any other wounded were tended to, Kaede waited to see if the woman would speak. This wasn’t the time or place for a social, so if she must speak, hopefully it would mean something. [b]“Please state your business here.”[/b] She mumbled, displaying the maturity of her clan and natural manners.