Leland swiped a hand over his neck, and sat down at the bed, feeling his forehead with the back of his cold hand. Vertigo took hold of his mind like it always did, and he took a moment to respond. "I-...I'll...I'll leave for the kitchen, master, unless you have further use for me." As the words left his lips he wasn't 100% on their placement, the type of response that one didn't consider before vocalizing. Really, he just wanted to sleep. He had time to learn the fastest way into his master's favor; he could do it when he woke. He wanted the faintness of being fed from to go away until the next time he had to endure it. He didn't want to look Emiliano in the eye. Didn't feel obligated to charm the vampire any more than he had already, if he had at all. Just wanted to [i]sleep.[/i]