[IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/13yovf9.jpg[/IMG] [B]| [u]NAME:[/u] |[/B] [indent]Reynard "Rey" Fox[/indent] [B]| [u]ALIAS:[/u] |[/B] [indent]Nightwing (II)[/indent] [b]| [u]AGE:[/u] |[/b] [INDENT]18[/INDENT] [B]| [u]POWERS:[/u] |[/B] [list][*]Enhanced Dexterity[/*] [*]Enhanced Balance[/*] [*]Enhanced Agility[/*] [*]Enhanced Reflexes[/*][/list] [b]| [u]SKILLS:[/u] |[/b] [LIST][*]Talented Gymnast and Acrobat[/*] [*]Skilled with Parkour and Free Running[/*] [*]Skilled competitor in the martial art known as [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tricking_(martial_arts)]Tricking[/url][/*] [*]While not a genius by any means, Reynard has a sharp and quick thinking mind.[/*][/list] [b]| [u]EQUIPMENT:[/u] |[/b] [LIST][*]Pair of [url=http://www.toystoreinc.com/catalog/edgelightdisccsamslight.jpg]discus[/url] which can be used either as a ranged or melee weapon.[/*] [*]The new Nightwing suit designed by Lucius Fox, it's made up of a titanium dipped alloy weave, combined with Kevlar and Nomex. Additionally, trauma plates are placed in vital areas, these plates are capable of refracting impact and distributing it evenly over a wider area to lessen blows. Similarities can be drawn both to explosive and reactive armor. The suit's cowl includes a HUD display capable of analyzing the environment and enemies as well as including a para-cape allowing Nightwing to glide.[/*] [*]Various utility items including grappling lines, zip ties, and other various methods of restraint. Flash bombs and smoke pellets are also equipped on the suit as well as standard communication tech and a last resort identity protection measure, the suit contains a high voltage charge which will activate if anyone tries to remove it from Reynard's body.[/*][/list] [b]| [U]PERSONALITY:[/U] |[/b] [INDENT]Snarky, Comedic, Lighthearted[/indent] [b]| [U]APPEARANCE:[/U] |[/b] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/vqh0go.jpg[/IMG] [B]| [U]BRIEF BIO:[/U] |[/B] [INDENT]Born in Hub City, Reynard grew up seeing the ugly side of crime and constantly being pressured into joining gangs. Wanting to escape this life, Rey's father decided it would be better if the family moved to Gotham and contacted his brother Lucius to see if he could help them out. Assisting in the movie, Lucius and his family welcome Reynard's to the city of Gotham but it didn't take long for Rey to realize that they had escaped the frying pan only to jump into the fire. That said however, Gotham had something that Hub City didn't, the Batman. As he went through highschool, Rey became inspired by the Batman and devoted his extra time to training in whatever he could in order to one day be able to fight crime like the Dark Knight. It was during this time that Rey discovered his latent meta-gene which actually made him much more formidable at martial arts due to his faster reaction time and increased balance. As such, Rey developed into an accomplished acrobat and fighter, beginning to take cues from watching footage of various members of the Batfamily but most notable Nightwing due to a similarity between their styles. When Nightwing's 'death' was broadcast on live television, Rey could scarcely believe his eyes and swore to avenge his fallen idol. Breaking into his Uncle's labs using a 'borrowed' ID badge, Rey managed to commandeer himself a prototype suit that was originally intended for the former Batman Inc project. Using what knowledge he had learned from both his father and Uncle, plus a little Youtube and internet help, Rey customized the suit's appearance and dubbed himself the new Nightwing equipping it with other stolen weapons and hitting the streets of Gotham. While he's still learning, Rey intends to become a force to be reckoned with as he aims to aid Batman's crusade on crime.[/INDENT] [B]| [U]NOTES:[/U] |[/B] [indent][i]~None at this time~[/i][/indent]