[center][b]The Yandere[/b] [img=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/610659-bigthumbnail.jpg] [b]Height: [/b]5'3 [b]Weight:[/b] 132lbs [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Hazel... evidently red when um, in yandere mode. [b]Skin-tone:[/b] Fair [b]Name:[/b] Mao Uki [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]History:[/b] When she was six years old, Mao witnessed the grisly murder of her best friend at the time, a seven year old name Miki. She was in and out of therapy since then, displaying psychotic tendencies towards her toys and overall became extremely bitter. When she was old enough to figure out they'd put her into an institution if she kept it up she learned to suppress it, put on a front to make her seem normal. The therapist announced a full recovery, and Mao and her parents moved as far from there as possible. Now Mao has recently been enrolled into Ryoka High... and she intends to not let any of her friends go unprotected again. [b]Personality:[/b] Initially, Mao is incredibly sweet and accompanying. There's seldom another person around that would treat you with utmost respect and wonder as she. She's probably the most protective person you'd ever meet too, and there is some heroism in that. That is... until you do something to really piss her off. Then you're itching to be either killed or severely tortured. Though she won't always go to kill you and might go another route, she's pretty... scary... like this in general. Suffice it to say, Mao has ISSUES. [b]Likes:[/b] Sweets, Playing with others, Friends, Sharp knives, and the Color red. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Authority, Therapists, Anyone telling her she needs to get a grip, Anyone bringing up her past. [b]Other:[/b] Yandere stalking of choice: ALL THOSE WHO BECOME HER FRIEND. aka everyone in the club Yandere weapon of choice: Randomizes from spiked bats to scissors to hatchets Yandere Triggers: Bullying, Harassment of any kind, Asking about her past, Arguments [/center]