Blade kept his sword in his hands even after the other made his disappeared and the man named Shar said that the strange man did not seem likely to attack them. "Still going to keep my weapon in hand, thank you, Minoraurs, ancient looking forests, teleportating lights, disappearing weapons, all a bit too fantasy, and fantasy means, he might have dropped his weapon, but chance is, he knows magic" Blade kept his eyes on Death as he summoned 2 others. Grabbing his weapon tighter "besides, calling himself death and summoning 2 others, better be prepared in case off" Blade did not say his further thoughts, that if the 3 of them did attack, then they will all likely die anyway, especially if the man calling himself Death was honest about who he was. He just did not wanted to cause unnecessary panic or something to the other humans, especially the girls who are already scared or sick to begin with. He looked at Death in the eyes, he was good at reading movements when looking the others in their eyes (having experienced that with sparring and judo), so he liked to keep his focus on the man. "now you got your friends summoned, both Shar and I asked about this place and what happened that brought us here, can we got some answers?"