[quote][u]Character Sheet Template:[/u] [b][Name:] [Age:] [Gender:] [Appearance:] (Photo or description) [Glamour Form]: [Short Bio:] (Your character's history is not particularly relevant in this RP, since Darktown is a place people go to to escape and begin anew.) [3 Strengths:] [3 Weaknesses:] [Magical Artifact]: (Miscellaneous magical item/good luck charm/trinket with no apparent function.) [/b][/quote] --- [b][Name:][/b] Gaspard "Jiggy" Molyneux [b][Age:][/b] 26 [b][Gender:][/b] Male [b][Appearance:][/b] [hider=Jiggy][img=http://eng.tekkenpedia.com/images/thumb/8/8f/Tiger_Jackson_TTT2_CG.png/180px-Tiger_Jackson_TTT2_CG.png][/hider] [b][Glamour Form]:[/b] [hider=IMAGE][img=http://www.co-optimus.com/images/upload/image/2012/ss3%20red%20scorpion%20hell%20monster%281%29.jpg][/hider] [b][Short Bio:][/b] Gaspard was born in Darktown, shortly after the Exodus, has never left the city limits and will probably die in Dark City as well. Due to the timing of his birth, he has magical capability, but has no affection or nostalgia for the fairy-tale Homelands of his elders. He is an eccentric character, but fiercely loyal to the city and can't stand anyone that aims to stop his good time. Jiggy walks around with an air of superiority, believing that his gang, the Cannabins, own the entire city and must take it back from unwelcome hands. As long as your goals are the same as Jiggy's, Jiggy is an easy person to work with. [b][3 Strengths:] [/b] -Patience, particularly in Team/Gang settings -Sharpshooter -Irrationally and disconcertingly determined to accomplish some higher, noble goal. [i]"Noble"[/i] for Jiggy is different than noble for most people, though. [b][3 Weaknesses:] [/b] -Rude and crass -Has faulty joints and tendons in his hand, occasionally interferes with his shooting. Requires medication in the form of Dark-City Herbs, a local plant that grows in Darktown. -Unpredictable sociopath [b][Magical Artifact:][/b] [i]Scorpion Ring[/i] (A steel ring that adorns Jiggy's finger, has a cameo of a scorpion.)