[b]Ra'avi.[/b] ________________________________________ Ra'avi approached the scene naive to what to expect. She had somewhat fallen in love with the dazzling lights from the night before and couldn't get them out of her head. She was smiling from ear to ear as she approached, interrupted by the weird vibe around her. The group of people caught her eye and she jumped aside trying to hide in the bushes. But truth be told her strange look would stick out like a sore thumb. Bright skin, Bright hair.. Clumsy being. She wasn't exactly quietly dodging in the bushes either. She poked half her head up from the bushes glancing upon the group. The way they stood in two groups with their shoulders raised didn't seem very casual. And the scared looking creatures looked nothing like she was used to. What were they? They were dressed oddly, with odd looking eyes and odd looking skin. Ra'avi, being under the curse of attraction found them quite interesting. Although she couldn't help but also being attractive to the dark elf looking creatures with their backs turned towards her. She kept her head lowered trying to listen in to the conversation without being noticed. [b]Kaya[/b] ________________________________________ She managed to wipe her mouth with her sleeve before getting picked up off the ground and held by Shar. She didn't feel very sill but the situation was too unreal to cope. She barely caught on any part of the conversation between the others as her thoughts were loud enough on their own. She brushed her fingers through her hair and muttered something in Norwegian. She glanced around hoping she'd spot her fiancee among the people but unfortunately he was nowhere to be seen. She suddenly realized one of the creatures ahead of her were "Death" gasped loudly. [i]"Wait wait wait.... You're DEATH? So... We're dead... I'm dead!?!! What is this? Hell?" [/i] With a heavy Norwegian accent. Some might not even understand her due to the panic in her voice.