I made some changes to how he uses his ability. And thought I'd paste it for you so ya'll don't gotta go back. He's granted the ability to both shapeshift and fashion his body into weapons. Such as turning his arm into a large razor blade that can cut through wood and iron, though it changes the color of his skin to a yellow brown hue. Also for use to trick his opponent he can change shape to look exactly like his opponent. (The change last for one post.) His superhuman strength allows him to lift cars and trucks, this progression also allows him to manhandle humans and monsters his size and weight or smaller, he can also punch holes through walls. (For harder hits he absorbs his own mass then charges it for one post. Once he attacks it will cause very high damage and when he misses he gets dizzy due to the amount of mass absorbed and used overtime.) Like his strength his speed is enhanced and he is able to pass small cars. He can perform amazing parkour feats such as flips and rolls and maneuvers over and around vehicles and debris with little trouble. His leg strength allows him to leap nearly ten stories into the air. (It must be charged for one post to reach ten stories.) Drax can run up sheer vertical surfaces and cling to walls for an indefinite period of time. He is also capable of gliding, by making his mass lighter in the air and ejecting small amounts of mass for further propulsion. His endurance far exceeds that of a regular human. His body no longer possesses weak bones or vital organs, his biological change allows him to survive falls from any height even if the damage is moderate or high. He can withstand direct shots from pistols and shotguns, which cause only moderate damage. Needle Arm: Drax will shoot out five medium needles from his skin and hardened them to cause moderate damage. From a distance this attack is helpful for far away foes. Charge Punch: By absorbing mass into a single area Drax can cause high damage enough to punch through wood and iron, but at the cost of becoming dizzy or permanently injured in a certain area. In this case it would be his arm. (Takes one post to charge) Razor Blade: This is Drax quick fix weapon he uses agains't his opponents a blade the length of his arm he uses to cut through wood, and iron. Organic Club: Drax will form a club the length of his arm but 2x thicker to either attack his opponents or to reflect solid objects back at his foe with a harder swing the object that's been reflected travels 2x faster. (Can be charged to send solid objects back 4x faster.) Armored Skin: The muscles on his skin become dense enough to shield him from weak and moderate physical and elemental projectile attacks. (When defending agains't moderate damage he has to charge his power for one post to completely block moderate damage and it can only be used once per turn) Weakness: This defense isn't without its disadvantages for starters he has charge until it reaches full capacity which could give somebody else the opportunity to attack him not that leaves him vulnerable. If he is interrupted during the process of shielding it'll take one post before he can shield again. Gust of Wind: By generating alot of mass he will clap his hands together to release a strong wave to blow his opponents that are five or ten feet in front of him five or ten feet back. He can also use this to redirect projectiles or put out flames. (Takes one post to reach ten) Earthquake: Drax will generate enough mass to crack the ground beneath him to either avoid a seemingly unavoidable move or to cause the ground to shake throwing his opponent off that way they either become dizzy in mid of a powerful attack. Cellular Cloning: He will split apart his cells to form a single duplicate that copies the user. Overtime like a few minutes it begins to form it's own personality. It can also be absorbed back into him. Electric Knuckle: Drax manipulates the electrical currents in his body into his hand to use as a close quarters attack to electrocute his opponent or slightly paralysis them. (It only paralysis's them if it is charged from weak to high damage. (The effect last for ten seconds and the charge to full power takes one post.) The only draw back with this attack is that his power can be absorbed. When he does this move at a distance he will speed up his cells to dash where his opponent is. Or use this attack to create an electrical current that travels from beneath the ground at one or two opponents within five or ten miles.