[center][b]Tempest Aeternus || Nexus Lantern Festival Affected Players: -[/b][/center] --- Tempest was not a girl who would allow her level to deter her from doing what excited her. How lucky was she to have arrived in Nexus during the Lantern Festival event? An intense offensive gamer, Caroline McNamara always enjoyed a good battle, and that was precisely what she was seeking, trapped or not. How was she going to get out of this reality anyway if she didn't become stronger? The night was clear, illuminated by the flying lanterns, and several booths caught her eye. Among others, there was a challenge for wolf-racing, another for wrestling, and lastly, a gladiator-style challenge, complete with a ring, which had her full attention. Now that challenge was bound to be a real battling experience for her. She approached the stall, taking out the money she had. [i]Now this is something I'm up for![/i] She thought as she smirked, drawing her scythe out as she dropped 15 Gold onto the table, pushing the coins towards the mysterious man sitting behind the counter, who studied her appearance. "You sure you wanna go through with this? I fear that…" He began to say, implying something that Tempest did [i]not[/i] want to bother knowing. Gerry hopped down from the redhead's shoulder and croaked at the man, ruffling his feathers. The raven had his companion's pride, that was for sure. "Now listen, there's the fucking money, right there in front of you. Don't want it? Think I'm some pussy healer? Just save your breath for the next idiot who comes and doesn't know what she's doing. Now, take the money." The scythe wielder growled. She wasn't going to allow herself to be talked down by this man, that was for sure. Besides, it was not as if the challenge was a solo endeavor anyway, if that was what the guy was worried about….not that Carly was incapable of handling herself. Quite the opposite actually, based on her own stubbornness, if not the strength she knew she had. "Fine, just don't go running out if you're hurt. You'll have to wait until you're assigned to a team of four though. I'm not allowing you to go solo. Challenge rules." The man warned as he took her money, before motioning for her to enter the inner chamber of the arena. Gerry flew ahead, perching himself on Tempest's forearm as she reached the door and walked in. Tempest grinned, eagerly awaiting the battle. --- [center][url=http://tektek.org/av/956444][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img536/6871/ec5e9c.png[/img][/url] HP: 100% SP: 75 Level: 1 Inventory Potion x4 Gold x5 [/center]