[i] "Nice to meet you, Karela," he said. "Mine's Katsu Uchiha. I'm looking forward to working with you."[/i] Karela simply nodded her head. Although she was distrustful of new people and men in particular considering what had happened to her Katsu seemed nice. She took a quick glance around her to make sure that there weren't any incoming enemy solders and looked over at Katsu. "We should probably meet up with Lady Kaede." She said quietly. "Right now she only has one person guarding her and I don't want her to get picked off by a group of solders. She's far too important a person to meet a fate like that." She prepared to jump up into the trees only to pause for a moment as a sudden question rose to the top of her mind. "Do you mind if I ask you a quick question?" She asked carefully. She didn't want to offend Katsu, she didn't want to upset him or somehow upset Lady Kaede either but the question had to be asked. "Lady Kaede told me that people say bad things about you...Why do they say these things?" [i]“Please state your business here.”[/i] Dren Hyuga narrowed his eyes at the mysterious figure that had appeared behind Lady Kaede and began to redistribute chakra to his Byakugan. Dren wasn't the greatest fighter in the world but if he was lucky he could buy Lady Kaede enough time to retreat. Something about this woman seemed off and in Dren's experience, that meant that they were not friendly. He raised his eyebrows in slight confusion as she motioned for everyone to lower their weapons. Dren shook his head and lowered his voice as low as he could so that Kaede could still hear him. "I can try and buy you time." he offered quietly. "You can take the wounded and get out of here."