[Center][img=http://oi59.tinypic.com/2py2m11.jpg][/center] [b]Name - [/b] Caspian "Cas" Johnson [b]Alias - [/b] Dr.Cage [b]Age - [/b] 23 [b]Powers -[/b] Biokinesis: Casey is able to change the cellular structure of his own body. His body produces a large amount of Stemcelles that he can modify, both internally in his body, and, more effectively, by using technology to modify the cells. His powers allows him to do a large variety of things, anything from changing his bloodtype to donate to someone else, to change his eye color, to make certain aspects of his physique superhuman, things as metabolism, strength and healing factor are all things he can alter in himself, and by extension, in others. [b]Skills - [/b] Genius Intellect - IQ scored at 194. Masters in Biological Engineering, Basic training in Medicine. Impressive Computer skills. Hobby Mechanic. One Years Worth of U.S Ranger Training. [b]Equipment -[/b] Full access to all of the labs in Wayne Industries. Also a personal lab in his home, where he's able to experiment with his powers. A pair of lenses that allows him multiple types of vision that's not visible to the naked eye. This involves telescopic, infrared and x-ray. A kevlar suit made to serve similar function to Batman's suit. A utility belt filled with small gadgets, like smoke grenades, but large vials with different serums that would grant him different abilities. [b]Personality - [/b] Smart, Kind, Strategic. [b]Appearance - [/b] Micro in the works. [b]BRIEF Bio - [/b] Raised in a rather normal household, his father a scientist at Kord Industries, where Cas himself dreamed he'd work. Cas was considered a genius since childhood, his score in tests his father did on him were off the charts, and his father, James, made sure to feed his interest for science. Cas's life was pretty normal for the middle class in central city, his life got strange in High School, where he started to get bullied. Deciding he wanted to do something different with his life, he joined the army. In 2011, he was sent to Afghanistan, where after a four month long tour he came back home, wounded, having lost his left arm in a explosion as well as injured most of the rest of his body. His father worked hard on figuring out a way to help his son, with a electric prosthetic arm he thought he had found the solution to allow his son full mobility again. However, while testing the arm, something malfunctioned, the arm electrocuting Cas, putting him in a coma for four months. When Cas woke up, he felt different. His left arm had regrown, and his body had started producing stem-cells again. Caspian spent the next two years getting his PHD in Bio-engineering, that helped him understand what was happening with him. Soon, he'd apply to work for Wayne Industries, getting the position he moved to Gotham, earning himself a manager-position he took it upon himself to help the city of Gotham the best way he could, putting his powers to full use. [b]Notes - [/b] Worked closely with Batman multiple times, no clue Batman's Bruce. Incidentally, he's also worked with Bruce on several projects.