Logan slowly sipped on her beer, trying her best to savor the cheap taste and the burn running down her throat. She was still getting use to beer tolerance thing. She only started drinking a few months ago, and she didn't even do it that often. Her head was fuzzy and warm from the drink. Her vision swam around the edges. She looked over her shoulder, a bit surprised from the amount of people pouring in. She smirked to herself. She turned on her bar stool and looked around. More people meant the fight was going to start soon. Logan was going to be richer tonight. She scanned the crowd, trying to find a familiar face from the Wolves. Logan really didn't know any of them personally. She only ever talked to them if she had a job. She barely even went to their friggin base. She could see the Cyborg and Queen Boss at a table, staring down the Asian guy and some other kid. Deon must be around here somewhere then. Logan saw Millie making a guy shit his pants so she could get a cheap beer. Logan couldn't talk shit about it though. She had done it too. Logan downed the last of her beer and left some money on the counter just as Jill walked in. She saw the dress and laughed a bit to herself. Someone was going to die tonight by her hands. Logan didn't know much about Jill. She'd heard she use to be a rich kid like herself, but she didn't want to believe it. Jillian gave up all the money and clean water and good alcohol just for the thrill of killing? Seemed like complete bullshit to her. She walked over towards Millie and sat down with a seat between them. "Any jobs tonight or can I continue betting on Deon and drinking shitty beer and whiskey?" Logan asked blantly, not even attempting to sugar coat it for the people around them.