[Img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/124/9/7/nightwing_and_robin_rocakbilly_by_denism79-d4yhy3x.jpg[/img] (the nightwing one) Name: Victor "Vulture" Rodriguez Alias: The Vulture Age: 25 Powers: Enhanced Self- When Victor is in the proximity of others, specifically people that project an air about themselves that screams "creeper", every aspect of his mind and body becomes enhanced. For every 2 people he is around, his boost increases by 1% Skills: Electricial knowledge- nothing on par of the affluent or dedicated, but he can bypass electronically locked doors and crack open a moderately protected safe Driving skill- Victor is a well practiced getaway driver, and can hotwire most street cars Equipment- Whatever his limited funds can afford him on the hard, gritty streets of Gotham Stolen 2015 Harley Davidson Street 750 Alumimum baseball bat wrapped in razor wire (emergency use, or for against super strong foes) Brass knuckles Self made effective jock strap (good for several kicks) Stolen GCPD Body armor Personality- Hard, Calculative, Desperate Victor is a hard young man because he has come to surround himself with criminals nearly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and they are starting to grow on him. He is calculative because deep down he is a good man and his end goal is the annihilation of all organized crime, which he is doing from the inside. He is also desperate because he knows the lifespan of an average Gotham mobster. If the cops don't arrest you, you're sure to end up on an autopsy table. Appearance- Micro cometh Brief Bio- Victor is a lifelong Gothamite, and was born into street gangs and the mob, but he knew he was destined for something more. His father was an enforcer for pay for many of Batman's Rogues, and his mother was a mafia mistress. When he was around 15 years of age, his father could pull through for a job so Two-Face sent several goons to their home and tortured the man and made his mother and him watch. It was during this nightmare that his metagene activated and he beat the shit out of the thugs. Harvey Dent took notice, and enslaved his mother to keep Victor on his side of the tracks, threatening her life in exchange for his services. Unknown to the crazed Boss, Victor began formulating a plan to take down his and all other Families. During a job of breaking into Wayne Enterprises, he was confronted by Batman and was provided a way out of his life of crime, by helping the caped crusader from within. So Victor adopted the codename "Vulture" because he fed off the energy of deseperate, dead souls of hitmen and other ner do wells.