[center][b] The Imagineer Aeternus || Nexus Lantern Festival Affected Players: Wandering Fool[/b][/center] --- ...! Eika actually responded quicker than before, her arms wrapping around his waist and her head nuzzling against his chest as he tugged her into a hug. It was so warm...Even if it was just virtual, it felt too real to deny, and that... [i]That scared her.[/i] [i][b]Excited her.[/i][/b] [b]Enamored her.[/b] This gentle touch of another intoxicated her mind to the extent that she was left without knowledge of the deranged motions that her date was making to the NPC behind her. Instead, all she was concerned with was listening to him for the words he spoke, each one cherished as an important detail to be remembered. Ah, he wouldn't take the grand prize if she had won it just so she could be comfy...Well, then the solution would be obvious! [i]"If I win any prize like that in the future, I'll share it with you. So if I win a free night in the nice inn, we can just sleep together!"[/i] ...She obviously did not know the alternative meaning of what she had just said, but that innocent look on her face just...Too much! Her eyes lit up like stars in the sky as he handed her one of the two plushies in his arms, blissfully ignorant of his having to toss up three gold for the toy as she nuzzled the small toy teddie. [i]"I'm so glad! Thank you for teaching me, Wander!~"[/i] Ah? Picking the next event? U-Uhm...What to do- Oh, right! Her face brightened up, Ying ducking into her yukata as she took hold of Wander's hand and- ...actually didn't drag him. Instead, she'd wait, a confident smile taking its place on her lips as she motioned in a certain direction. [i]"Alright. I wanna get you some stuff you can enjoy!"[/i] That notion, once he began following her, would be to take him over to the food stands and take out some gold from the small, decorative bag attached at her waist to pay for things. Takoyaki, chicken dumplings, red bean dangos, and a plate of kalimari. With chopsticks in hand, she picked up one of the dumplings to hold near his mouth with a delighted gaze as she spoke next. "The food here does wonders for our HP and SP, and tastes amazing on top of it! Here, lemme feed you one! Trust me, it tastes amazing.~" --- [u]Status[/u] Hit Points: 100%/100% Sanity: 150/150 Level: 4 Status: RESTED [u]Inventory[/u] Health Potion x1 Sanity Potion x2 Gold x204 Pellet x10 [u]Black Thought Result[/u] [hider=Possible Status Ailments] 1 : Blind 2 : Silence 3 : Terrify 4 : Curse 5 : Sleep 6 : Sickness [/hider] --- [center][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img661/4783/8750b6.png[/img] [b]Cupid[/b] Aeternus || Nexus Lantern Festival Affected Players: ALL [/center] --- The time had come! Descending down in a flourish of red hearts and metaphysical concepts of excitement, the Love God held his bow in hand in order to shoot an arrow up in the air and create an explosion of sorts in order to garner the attention of all. Dozens upon dozens of girls would begin crowding the stage at which Cupid stood, his air of authority and enamor bleeding into the air as his voice rang out through the entirety of Nexus to make his grand announcement. [i][b]"LADIES! GENTLEMEN! THE LOVE GOD CUPID HAS ARRIVED! I hope you all are ready, for the annual Guiding Light Pageant and the Lantern Light Tournament are about to begin!~"[/i][/b] As if on cue, several stands erected to the side of the stage, NPCs filling in and setting up the sign-up processes in order to begin filling in the girls and boys rushing in. And the amusing part? A new quest was now available! Male-specific, this quest would show up on the HUD of every male present inside Nexus in order to make sure they didn't ignore it's contents: [hider=The Fairest Of Them All?!] [u]Description:[/u] The ladies will be flooding in to try and win the title of Miss Lunar Festival! So why not spice things up a bit, boys? If you're confident enough, don a yukata and enter in! I promise it'll be worth all your hard work.~ Reward: 300g | Omaraki Mask | [i]A Man's Honor[/i] spell scroll [/hider]