[b]Snow Wolfe Aeternus || Nexus Lantern Festival Morgana Aeternus || Nexus Lantern Festival Affected Players: Tempest[/b] Unfortunately, the wolf quest had ended before either Stella or Tim had a chance to do anything. Mainly because Tim got too scared to move, and Stella had to calm him down. The two of them had since returned to town, just in time for the Lantern Festival. Tim was fascinated with the way everything looked. All the glowing lanterns were so pretty, and it was just so festive, that it was easy to forget that they were trapped in this death game. They even had vendors selling all kinds of delicious foods! The boy's mouth started watering at the thought. Seeing all this food was starting to make him hungry. He hadn't had a chance to eat before he logged in. Although he couldn't imagine what eating food would be like in a Video Game, if it was a realistic as everything else he had experienced so far, then On the other hand, Stella wasn't interested in the lanterns, or the festival. Having missed out on the opportunity to earn experience from the wolf quest, she needed to make up for lost time. Thankfully, there were several booths all around Nexus. There was a challenge for wolf-racing, and another for wrestling, but none of those really appealled to her. Then she came across a gladiator-style challenge. The prize for defeating the monsters in this challenge were free weapons, that were rare and valuable. This opportunity seemed perfect. Stella was never one to turn down valuable things. So, with a goal in mind, she took Tim by the wrist, and went over to the stall, and took out her money. "Come along now Timothy. We have a challenge to do!" Tim and his wolf companion Alice however, had been hungrily eyeing one of the food vendors when Stella dragged him to some scary stall to do a challenge he had no interest in doing. "B-b-b-but... food!" Stella rolled her eyes as she the 15 Gold payment on to the table. "You will have plenty of time to eat later! First, we need to level up. How do you intend to survive when you're only at level one?" [i]"How do you intend to survive if you keep taking challenges that get us all killed?[/i] Tim mumbled under his breath. "What was that?" Tim's eyes widened, and he jumped up from shock. "Ah! Nothing!" The younger boy squealed. "Good, that's what I thought." Stella smirked, then pointed to the table. "Now pay the man. Apparently, we only need one more challenger so we can get this started." Tim reluctantly put his money on the table. He still wasn't sure if this was a good idea, but the last thing he wanted to do was get Stella upset. Then he followed Stella to the inner chamber of the arena. When they got there, and Stella caught sight of the other challenger, her face immediately fell into a frown. She saw someone she really didn't want to see. Caroline McNamara, looking as tasteless as ever in what was essentially a black leather bikini. Stella attends design school with her, and had always wondered what the Dean of Admissions was smoking when she got accepted. She thinks It's quite clear she has bad taste (She comes to school dressed like some kind of gothic hooker. And don't get her started on the clothes she designs,) and clearly doesn't fit in the fashion world. There are rumors she tried to get into a cooking school, but failed the hygiene test. Judging by all the piercings, the fact that she smells of cigarette smoke, and that trashy tattoo, Stella wouldn't be surprised if that were true. Stella immediately approached the redhead. "Oh Caroline [i]darling,[/i] it seems your here too... [i]Wonderful.[/i]" She said in a sarcastic tone that was anything but friendly. "As if that lowborn boyfriend of yours being here wasn't bad enough already... Ugh..." Meanwhile, Tim stood in the corner, cowering nervously and stroking Alice's head, who he carried in his arms. [i]Why does Stella have to go and annoy the scary looking people?[/i] He shut his eyes, and took several deep breaths. --- [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/54754234][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img59/3593/ii75.png[/img][/url] HP: 100% SP: 120 Level: 1 Inventory Potion x4 Gold x5 Alice's HP: 100% [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/54754228][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img19/6084/ozk0.png[/img][/url] HP: 100% SP: 150 Level: 1 Inventory Potion x4 Gold x5