”That... It's just that my old master and teammates and I had gone to hunt a missing-nin, A-Rank. It was quite a few years ago. I was the only one who got back and there was a wound in my master's chest, inflicted by my sabre,” he said. ”But he was already dead when that happened. Some people don't believe me but it was the replacement technique the target had used to replace with his dead body.” Karela didn't reply as first as she jumped up into the treetops and looked down at him for a moment. Karela smiled sadly as she remembered the horrible things she had done since her clan was wiped out as they jumped from tree to tree. "I haven't had a home for a very long time." She said quietly. "I don't know if you've heard of the Yatoma clan but awhile back they staged a peaceful protest against the Empire. Later that night the Empire sent in the troops and everyone in my clan with me being the exception was wiped out." She turned to look at him. "For the record, I believe you." She said quietly. "I can tell by looking at your eyes. I know it sounds stupid but I've seen evil people before in my life and the way I've always been able to tell what their intentions were was by looking them in the eyes and I just knew. When i saw your eyes, I didn't see a murderer." She looked down for a moment at the ground as she continued jumping from tree to tree. "The night my clan was killed off, the solders did horrible things to me. I was beaten. Violated. And they left me for dead. My mind was shattered that night and the person I used to be died. I was re-born as someone who wanted to kill every Imperial solder I could find. I did a few times actually. But tonight I met Lady Kaede.And just by meeting her I feel that I can change. I saw Kaede's eyes and I saw compassion and good intentions." He leapt up, following her closely, leaping from branch to branch. When he heard about her speak of the Yatoma clan, he stared at her, almost with a glint of pity in his eyes. He listened to her quietly as she spoke about her experiences. She was wrong, though. It was true that he wasn't a traitor and he hadn't killed his master but his eyes were more deceiving than most people's. A faint smile curled up on his lips. "Right... I don't know her much personally but I heard she has an effect like that," he said. As they got closer, he went on. "Though I'm thankful for the way you think I might be innocent in general, you could say that I'm a murderer. It's not like I haven't killed before..." They were quite near the group, and the boy was able to clearly read their chakras. He saw the great yet familiar chakra near the group. It was the woman who'd saved him.