[hider=Paladin][img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/161/a/f/future_knight_bust_by_leonwoon-d52y3f5.jpg] [b]Name[/b] Galahad, though thats obviously not his real name. [b]Alias[/b] Paladin [b]Age[/b] Late twenties. [b]Powers[/b] None [b]Skills[/b] Galahad is highly trained in hand to hand combat, able to keep up with some of the greates martial artists in the world. He seems to have extensive training in covert ops, focusing on how to penetrate high security facilities. He is an excellant marksman and understands bomb making. He understands the criminal mind, perhaps having an intimate personal knowledge of such things. [b]Equipment[/b] Galahad wears the Knight armour, a incredibly sophiscitcated and advanced exo-suit that that allows him to wage personal war on crime. The suit looks like a hybrid of the plate armour that a medieval knight would have worn and modern ballistics protective gear, though incredibly light weight. The armour itself affords a high degree of protection from harm to the wearer, allowing them to take hits that would normally prove fatal, as well as being largely fire resistant, insulated and explosion proof. The helm has a built in oxygen supply, as well as several differnt vision types and a commlink to Aaron. The suit has flight capabilites, thanks to jets in the boots and back plate. As to arnaments, the suit has many. Two wrist mounted guns (much like dead shots) allow him to take on foes from range, and feature a host of different ammo types, amongst them armour piercing rounds and grappel lines. The right shoulder houses a missle launcher. Several compartments secrete numerous blades around the armour, for close combat and ranged fighting. There is also hidden slots for tactical grenades such as flash bangs, incendaries and smoke. [b]Personality[/b] - Dry, Dedicated, Controlled [b]Appearance[/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/cRp8U.jpg] [b]BRIEF Bio[/b] Dr Aaron Kitchell has lived in Gotham his whole life. Despite living in one of the most dangerous cities on the planet since he was a baby he still feels safe. Why, you ask? The answer is the Batman. The Dark Knight has saved Kitchell from an inglourious mugging, death by Joker toxin and from being bitten by a fairly big dog. Kitchell has long idolised Batman, even though he knows that his hero wouldn't even recognise him. To repay the Caped Crusader and help him in his war on crime Aaron used his considerable personal fortune and engineering knowledge to develop the Knight armour, a suit with great potential for urban conflict. Although Aaron orginially intended to don the suit himself and fight alonside the bat he quickly realised that he lacked the necessary courage for such a thing. No, he would need a worthy partner, someone to 'pilot' the armour for him. Though the worthy part is debateble he did get a partner in the guise of Galahad, a violent vagabond with a mysterious past and a desire to war on crime that burns as fierce as Aaron's desire to aid the Bat. Though dysfunctional they do make an effective team, with Galahad acting in the field and Aaron as mission control. Alone they may be less than heroic, but together they just might make it. [/hider]