[i]We want the cash or the drugs you're after Rise up control for the mixtape [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktpibCoWBaI]master[/url][/i] Yaay! It was a break! But she was still in school....what? Oh yeah, the club. The pink-haired mascot was walking through the halls, listening to some EDM with her ear phones. She slightly adjusted them so she could hear clearer. The airhead looked through a window. The sun was shining clearly, the warmth was getting on her torso, it was a beautiful day, filled with absolute jubilance She looked outside, at the wonderful trees, as if they were shaking around due to the wind. It wasn't heavy, it was actually very light. Eliza shook her head before walking towards the door of the Handy Man Club. But, accidentally, she had gotten her eardrums busted by turning up the music. [i]SELF-CORRECTION; MASS DISSECTION[/i] Due to this, she tried pulling the earphones out. Which she couldn't, because she was rushing. So, she panicked and thought they were stuck. "No! Nooooo!" She said, thinking aloud. Then the song changed to classical. See, despite her current obsession with EDM and all things rave-y, she still had some respect for classical composers. In fact, she liked most types of music. Musicians had talent. It was the truth, for her. I mean, going on for hours to release one album deserves some respect, in her opinion. Though she didn't like Black MIDIs and such, she liked classical, because it can easily go from immaculate and silent to quick and squalid, in her opinion. She managed to turn down the music, and get to the doorknob. When she opened it, she saw a sleeping 'Brigade Leader' in the room. She sighed before walking into the room. She looked around, and started marching around the room, to the slow music she was playing. She didn't really speak, because she couldn't hear much that was going on through the music. She saw Yuuma, and she waved in his general direction. Why? Just because she could, that's why. Obviously. She saw the sketchbook that Yuuma was drawing in, and looked towards it. He was drawing the club. Well, that was kind of expected. What else could he draw? Anything else, actually. Shut up, brain.