Angel smiled when she saw Jillian, one who could possibly tango with Deon, enter the bar and make her way toward them. That meant other Wolves would be arriving too, so she felt less worries about the possible Lost One's threat Victor had brought up earlier. The two they were keeping an eye on were probably lost, literally, or just came for a good time, and Angel couldn't blame them for that. They'd just need to be extra careful not to do something extremely stupid. Jillian had sat down at the table and greeted Angel jovially: [i]"What's cookin', good lookin'? "Anything fun goin' down tonight?""[/i] Angel chuckled and shrugged. "Hi Jillian," she answered with a smile. "We're just waiting for Deon to come on and kick some ass. Feel free to make some bets on him if you're feeling lucky. I personally don't know how much faith I can put into a drunk cage fighter, but he claims it helps him win." A man who Angel assumed was taking orders walked by and she reached out her hand toward him. "Excuse me!" she called out. He stopped and turned to face her. "Bring me a bottle of vodka and some shot glasses," she told him. She didn't even need to use gang intimidation. The man already seemed scared enough of the people sitting at the table alone, so he rushed to the back and returned a minute later with a bottle and three shot glasses, all of which he placed on the table quickly before hurrying away. Angel grabbed the bottle and frowned. "Gross, room temperature vodka," she said. "Oh well." She sighed. "I guess it's better than nothing." OF course, Angel had no intention of getting stupidly drunk, but buzzed enough to be happy and sociable while still retaining some of her wits about her. She poured the potent drink into one of she shot glasses and placed the bottle back on the table. She began to sip on it, taking her time and enjoying it's sting, which she assumed was because it wasn't being served cold. At any rate, she finished her first shot within a few minutes, but she held off on her second one, just so she could control how quickly the alcohol took effect. She glanced over again at the two supposed Lost Ones conversing, and she wondered if she should go over and just... talk to them.