[quote=The Kid Lantern] League of Shadows is what the Nolan trilogy called the League of Assassins in the films. Everyone's cs's look good, there's only one thing with Hillan's CS that needed addressed. The character is fine but if he's got a phd in medicine it'd take at least six to eight years to earn as well as another three to eight years internship/residency. A genetics PhD might take less time, but then you have he's trained in medicine while ALSO serving a year as a ranger. What it all comes down to... You just need to make dude a little older LOLI'll try and finish my CS the next couple hours and get to working on the OOC. Good to see Wraith and Hillan!~KL~ [/quote] He doesn't have a PhD in Medicine. Bruce had four PhD's at the age of what, 22?, and Bruce didn't have a superhuman understanding of what field it is he's studying. He did his Ranger training at the age of 17, because that's when he enlisted, came back to the states at the age of 19, spending the year between 17 - 19 training. Lost his arm, discovered he had powers, studied for two years. Genius, remember. If you still think it's necessary to bump up his age, I could do that. Also, like Wraith said, good to be here. Old times sake and all.