[b]H-1[/b] A clash of steel on steel rang out as the soldiers knife was met with Scout's, stopping just before it reached Maraketh's flesh. The god reached up and grabbed the man by the neck, dragging him down to look him in the eye. "You really shouldn't have done that." He said, a glint of danger and rage in his expression, "While I applaud your bravery, I'm disgusted by your stupidity. You cannot return home now, but you could have lived a comfortable, meaningful life here, and maybe even gone back to your homeland in the future. At the very least you could have accepted my offer and waited until my guard was down to try this sloppy assassination. Your punishment for your idiocy is thus." With a squeeze of his fingers, the life drained out of the man's eyes, and the newly born flesh golem stood upright. With a terse command from Maraketh, the golem walked back to the two groups and stood in front of them, speaking in a dull monotone. "To those who chose to abandon your senseless struggle, you have my protection. To those who choose to defy us still, I'm afraid this man's actions have sealed your decision, and your fates." With those last words, a double ring of golems rose from the ground around the larger group, slowly advancing inward and bludgeoning those inside to death.