"I've been busy with you know my work, and Katelyn has been visiting me every summer so far. And we got out barely though, I was at a premiere for one of my new movies when the whole outbreak happened and my manager left me for dead but I managed to get to my apartment where Kate was the whole afternoon." Sophia said smiling softly and took a seat, she was glad to see her friend again Katelyn went down to sit down on the other chair and lightly adjusted her hair remembering the whole drive was crazy they didn't stop for anything when they heard that the military base was allowing refugees in they both decided it was a good idea to go. Then they heard the tent open up Katelyn turned around to look at the man for a moment as he started to apologize for barging in. "It's alright." Sophia said with a smile. Katelyn watched him trip over one of the tents support strings and got up to get close to him. "Are you okay?" Katelyn asked.