The reaction to Kinuko's approach was not entirely unexpected - after all, she did have a headband from a deceased member of Konoha in her hand. It was hardly proof of anything on its own, but when dealing with unknowns suspicions too easily became facts in their believer's minds, and when they had decided on their opinion as fact it was hard to get them to change. Kinuko gingerly took the headband and placed it on the ground, before taking a step back and raising both of her empty palms in a sign universally attributed to being peaceful. "Your war threatens to consume the world with its fury, members of Konohagakure. There are many who have simply hidden their intentions, or who have neglected to actively choose a side, but the luxury of being undecided is one the world and its inhabitants can no longer afford. I have come here to decide on the fate that should befall this world, to preserve the delicate balance that the Empire, the Rebels, and this war threaten to disrupt. Make a case for your side, and I shall listen. After that, it will be time to decide, for better or for worse." Kinuko replied to Kaede, ensuring that her tone was completely even and her elocution was perfect - her words were easy to understand, but did not carry any tones or inflections that could possibly have been used to decide a purpose. The voice could have been mechanical for its lack of expression - but there was an urgency to it that no machine could have replicated. There was purpose, though what that purpose was could not possibly have been deciphered. "I will ensure that the rebel this headband belongs to gets a proper burial. I took it from their corpse to identify their cause of death, and apologise for any disrespect." Kinuko stated as an afterthought, keeping her pose, face, and voice neutral as she did so. Perhaps Kaede, one versed in the delicate art of compassion, might take a different meaning from the words that she spoke than her peers took. Perhaps the young Hyuuga that seemed to wish to throw his life away from her would take a different meaning from it still. If Kinuko wanted to kill any of the people spread out in front of her, it was something that she was capable of doing - but the actions of the group in front of her seemed to think otherwise. That was a good thing - their apparent underestimation of her abilities would give her an edge if the Rebels' case failed to impress her. While waiting for an answer from Kaede, Kinuko made sure to keep unbroken eye contact with her. Her periphery still delivered a wealth of information to her, and she could use the Tenchi to avoid any other unpleasant situations, but it was important for her to judge Kaede and vice versa - and eye contact was among the most effective ways to get a correct sense of judgment. The beenfits of the exchange of eye contact would be fairly one-sided, however, as Kinuko's eyes betrayed nothing but the sense of balance that she stood for - still, she knew nothing about Kaede. It was just as likely that she came across some grand revelation as Kinuko did. At this point, all there was to do was wait for the reply to come - for better or for worse.