Styrke could hardly believe the type of answer he received from Winter. It was true that she was a Sentinel, and that she, in particular, always have had this explosive personality. In many situations Styrke could have congratulated such a bold speech, but Bruce was there and Styrke hated to be made a fool of in front of everyone. With a deep and menacing sound that was distinctly his, he began growling at Winter. He also showed her his mighty fangs as he even took a step toward her. The next moments were clear in his mind; He would jump at her throat and bring her down the rock they were on. For such disrespect, he would scar her for life or, if he lost his temper, pluck out one of her eye in a glorified show of force and fear for all to behold and know their place. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Bruce came between them and calmed both of them. Before anyone could continue, Styrke looked Winter dead in the eyes. ''You may be a Sentinel, Winter, but do not forget who put you in such a position. In no way can you disrespect me in the future. That better be clear, because next time, Alpha or not, I will get retribution. Be warned.'' did he say, dead serious. Styrke threats were never to be taken lightly, ally or enemy. Bruce then asked him to go with Accalia, probably to put space between them. He nodded and complied. walking away with the female wolf. ---------------- Accalia knew better than to speak to Styke right now, seeing how mad he was. Despite this, they both stalked the den in search of warriors. They found some that agreed to come with them. The rest would remain close by the den and do their usual patrols. Styrke broke off in order to go at the meeting point Bruce gave him, leaving Accalia to gathering the rest of the hunting party. With her usual experienced hunters and their new warriors, she felt like they had all the fighting power they needed...though upon thinking that, she stumbled upon Lars. He was one of the Subordinate, not having been able to impress anyone yet. Accalia knew now was not the time to take risks...but at the same time, they needed all the help they could get. She walked up to the wolf. ''Lars...where the hell have you been...?'' she said upon looking at him. He did look a bit dirty, as if he had been out. He also had a branch stuck in his fur. Accalia took a deep sigh. ''...No matters. Lars, you will join me and our hunting group today. We need as much warriors as possible. Meet the group at the far end of the den as soon as possible. Do not be late.'' After this, she took off with her group of warriors towards the meeting point. They would need to wait on the Alpha before setting out.