As Yuuma finally began to regain the ability to breathe, Yuzuru woke up. After spending a moment taking in the scene around her she jumped up, one of her eyes being red. [i][b]"Behold my peons! For I, Yuzuru vi Tokisaki the Only, command you to gaze upon the face of our new secret passageway! Marvel at its beauty for it shall be the hole to pierce the heavens!"[/b][/i] Yuuma stared at her in disbelief while Buster apologized profusely. The rant was largely ignored by Yuuma, as they happened fairly often. During all this, Eliza made her way over to him, and began to tip her cup to pour tea on his head with a bright smile on her face. He was a moment away from freaking out and leaving the room, but heard Yuzuru greeting Mao, causing him to freeze. Oh god. As Eliza poured tea all over him, he slowly turned his head to look at the door where Mao stood, a pained, fake smile plastered on his face. [hider=tfw][img=] [i]Behold, the face of true terror.[/i][/hider] "H-hey, Uki-san," he managed to squeek, fighting to not scream from the pain of having a boiling hot liquid dumped onto his head. "We're all doing good, clearly, how about you?" Under his breath and through his smile he whispered "Please stop," to Eliza.