@Frozen Did I say I was bored? The difference between you and Draco (despite having more constructive input into his OOC than he does) is that you said you are running a roleplay. This one is not being run. It is drifting nowhere until GM decides he has time for us. I hope you stay on the GM's good side frozen. You seem to be one of the few people actually hoping this will kick-off. Good luck to you man. @Draco Like I said, if you don't have time for it don't start it up. I made an Int. Check for Deadland four days ago, I have 4 interested people. I expect that it will be up and going in another 4 days give or take. You're not doing a very good job for your "first" advanced roleplay hosted all by your lonesome. Also, throwing out someone because they are unhappy is the way to deal with things? Don't think you're being a little spiteful? Maybe in a little too deep? I will gladly accept that banishment and start anew, elsewhere, with people who know what they are doing.