"I think we got it, just three jackals, three grunts and an Elite Minor" He yelled back, turning the corner and firing off several shots from his DMR at one of the Jackals, who stumbled back under the impact, giving an open view of his right leg, which was promptly smashed by a DMR shot, forcing the Jackal to the floor as it hollered in pain. He fired off another shot, cracking its skull and ending its misery. He popped back into cover and checked the shots left in his clip. Four. [i]Enough for some grunts[/i] He popped out of the corner, taking aim quickly and firing. One, two. The grunts armour cracked and it fell down with a chilling squeal. He adjusted his aim and... Purple crystals and green orbs "Oh shit..." He fired his last to shots wildly as he popped back towards his life saving wall, but was too slow to avoid the first of the hostiles shots. The green bolt hit his armoured chest and sent him stumbling. The plasma sizzled and he could feel its heat on his chest, but thankfully his now scarred chest plate held. He knew that much before looking, if it hadn't his innards would have been soup. His own shots had both been misses, as one might expect... He heard a squeal from around the corner, and the distinctive panting sound of a panicking grunt. Sure enough, one had turned to rout out of fear, yelling "Imps!" as loud as he could. Then there was a sickening crack and the yelling stopped. The Elite had cracked the grunts skull with his plasma rifle, killing him to frighten the remaining members of the covenant lance into obedience. Apparently it worked, because the barrage of shots grew more ferocious... One grunt, two Jackals, One Elite. He removed the clip from his DMR, tossing it to the floor and loading in a new one, locking it. He yelled out an order "Corpsman, go check on McCoy. Private, help me take down this split jaw!" He called out, turning his head towards the alley and preparing another attack