Everyone was mostly wacky in this club, it was quite stranger. As the people started pouring in she counted heads, oh my, that’s a lot of tea. Nevertheless, she poured tea into the cups in the tray one by one. Slowly but surely, keeping them at the perfect temperature. Once she was finished, the leader had already gained consciousness and there was a buzz. She was quite lost but didn’t care; she was quite a good listener. Brooke went around the room offering tea and kind words, “settle down now and drink your tea, its truly relaxing.” Yes, the perfect time to distress. Yet she was darting like a bullet around the room, every person needed to have a tea cup in their hand. Hopefully that would pipe them down a notch. She noticed that Eliza had spilled her tea on someone, the one called Yuuma. She rushed over and offered some ice wrapped in a cloth to him, “here, cool it down or it may get nasty. Eliza do you want more tea?” Brooke had already whipped up a cup from her tray and stretched it out to her. Then she walked over to the leader, handing her a cup of steaming tea too, “It might wake you up.” Her words were nice and smooth. Her eyes were open, ready incase anybody got hurt. Who knew tea was such a weapon, maybe she should carry it around when walking home from the job.