Luke looked up to the man gratefully and smiled as he took the offered hand. “Yeah, thanks.” He said, taking it and hauling himself to his feet. “I’m sorry about that, he said, addressing everyone in the tent. “I’m kind of new around here and I was just looking for some food for my friend. I’m not really...” He finally took a moment to look at the people he had intruded on properly and he realised he was in the presence of a celebrity. Her name escaped him at the moment, but she looked very familiar and he was sure he’d seen her in a few hit movies. “Used to being... around people... um...” All thoughts seemed to just escape him and he stood there for a few seconds looking half shocked half embarrassed. “I um... I’m Luke.” He eventually managed to spit out, offering his hand to the man that had helped him up. With his eyes off the two girls words seemed to come a bit more easily to him. “I um... I’m sorry again, for intruding. I’m trying to get used to this place. It’s so strange after being alone for so long... even if it was just a couple of weeks.” As more and more sense returned to him he suddenly became aware of the time. “Crap! I um... I have to go. I’m sorry. But um... I’ll hopefully see you guys around later?” He gave them a small, shy and embarrassed smile before stumbling backwards out of the tent, making sure not to trip over the rope again as he made his way to the front gate, curing himself for saying that. Why did his mind always seem to fail him when he was in the presence of pretty girls? However that didn’t matter right now. His window of opportunity to help Ash was small, and it was closing quickly. [i]Still,[/i] he thought to himself. [i]Coming back here might not be so bad. Maybe I could get used to it, for a little while at least.[/i]