Zeke nods to the man and starts back the way he came. "Uh, yeah... We are lucky to be alive, honestly... Major Carlson over there is the pilot. He somehow was able to get us out of a stall and safely on the ground. We were indeed heading towards Pendleton. We were carrying supplies in from Oklahoma." He glances over to try and take stock of who he might be dealing with. He doesn't seem all that rational. He's scruffy and dirty... A survivor. Maybe someone like him will really have a shot at this. Zeke shakes his head as they approach Paul and Carlson out on the road. He sees the major sitting upright on his own, wincing with pain. "Glad to see you finally awake, sir. How's the arm?" Carlson glares at him. "It fucking hurts, what do you think?" He glances over at Wayne. "Who's this guy then?" Zeke goes over to his backpack and pulls out a few bandages from the medical kit. "Some crazy guy wrestling with... What was it, a cougar? A tough son of a bitch." He gives Paul a nod and turns back to Wayne. He quickly wraps the bandages around his scratched arm, and secures them in place. "You never did say your name. I'm Zeke." He extends his hand out for a shake. "And you are?"