Staying relatively quiet throughout most of the events that ensued, Buster said nothing after his most recent Buster Rant. He was called a [B]THING[/B], and held his tongue. But now.. [B]NOW, HE WAS THREATENED TO BECOME WET.[/B] Does no one understand that robotics are highly prone to short circuiting and par to exploding when they're wet? Does no one understand that robots [B]HATE[/B] being wet? While Buster was monologuing internally, Ryder pressed a button on Buster's interface, which morphed into a hand cannon with a tube of sorts protruding from the front of the cannon. "That's all fine by me, Yuzuru-chan, but if someone gets near me, they better trust that I miss with my aqua cannon here. I have a terrific sense of direction. With that being said, someone, join me for the massacre," he stated to the club mates with the straightest face possible. "Who wants to pair up with a person who will shoot at the sound of breathing? Warning, you may get shot." That was just a salesman's catchphrase, huh?