Kirina gaped, her mouth open in a split second of surprise (Which was a rare look for her, since Kirina didn’t get shocked by much at all). Malika was right on top of her! Her legs dangled off the edge of the table and she looked down at Kirina! Scrambling backwards Kirina kicked her legs frantically as she moved out of the way of a heavy mop, which was haphazardly being swung to and fro by a wobbling maniac who stood atop the table. Somewhere in the mess, Kirina’s heavy boot kicked the unsteady edge of the table and that was all it took. As if in slow motion the table started to tip backwards. Kirina lunged forward to grab the other end, she didn’t [i] really [/i]want to see a team member injured in her mock battle, but she was not fast enough. The huge crash that followed made her squeeze her eyes tight, covering her face with her hands for a few seconds. Peaking out between her fingers she called “Are you ok?” and crawled over to the squirming girl. Letting out a huge laugh when she saw the girl, Kirina had to lay out on the floor to catch her breath. Malika looked like a beetle, who had been tipped on it’s back, with her arms and legs flailing as they were. Once she calmed down a bit she leaped up onto her feet and reached her hand down to help up the other girl. With a huge smile and bright eyes she nodded at her, “Good fight!” Something was not right. Something was different. Kirina suddenly grew very silent, and very still. Her head tilted to the side and her eyes looked straight ahead for a moment, but soon she realized. It was a voice! A new voice! She had never heard this friend before, and it was coming from the downstairs! Kirina almost yelled with excitement, she loved making new friends! [i]” “This is not your squadron.” [/i] Kirina heard the voice and made her way, very quietly, over to the stairway that led down to Oliver and the rest of the group. On her hands and knees she started to crawl down the stairs, listening in on the conversation that Oliver was having with his new friend. For a moment she was rather upset at him, not letting her meet the new person right away and keeping the friend all to himself! It just wasn’t very nice of him. As the screen opened up to reveal a dock. A dock in danger, and people in a panic. Kirina’s eyes grew wide as she stared at it, mouth hanging open. She was about to start inching her way down the stairs again when one hand missed a step and down she went. With a huge crash she rolled down the steps and then some, tumbling head over heels in a flurry of red hair and fluffy dress. She came to a stop directly in front of Oliver. The fall, needless to say, had hurt. In fact it brought huge tears to her eyes as she rubbed the back of head and various places on her arms. The tears, which would have fallen in any other situation, were forgotten as she stared up at the screen. “Боже мой, что это?!” ([s]Oh My god, what is that?![/s])