Autumn was spacing out looking up at the sky still as he heard a loud crashing sound. He looked over sharply to his left and saw a man stumbling over one of the tent ropes. His first thought about it was that the man was infected. None of them seemed to have very good coordination. He clenched down tightly on his spear, using his feet to quickly shove himself at a distance. Lifting up his spear he prepared to throw it as soon as he got a good shot. Then there was a voice. It came out from inside of the tent that the man had tripped over and asked if he was alright. Autumn was surprised when he actually replied. Relaxing he sighed and dropped his spear to the ground. At the same time he was shaking thinking that he nearly killed an innocent man in cold blood, all for tripping of the wire of a tent. Trembling he muttered, "Shit shit shit." The man got up and ran off towards one of the walls of Pendleton. Autumn's only hope was that it wasn't because of him. Glancing back towards the tent, he noticed that it was the two girls he had seen later. The celebrity and her friend. He thought about introducing himself to them, but then stopped himself. They could have just seen him nearly kabob a man, they probably weren't interested in making new friends anyhow. He sighed and leaned back against his tent, thinking about how he would have reacted under different circumstances.