Yes, you are correct on all of those, but let me clarify your questions. ^^ Dexterity also involves the dexterity in which one's character has when moving. (I.e. The more dexterous you are, the more acrobatic you can reasonably be when fighting, which is good if your style is a form of Martial Arts, or just an Oriental form.) Resistance allows one to be resistant to weather effects, special elemental attacks from enemies, and poisons applied by enemies or other players. An Hp stat is not involved, because while I do have those stats, I don't want to format this Rp down to the very "t." I like to leave room for common sense, and reasonable Rper decisions. I like to hope, and allow players the room to be understanding that their players are not god, or near god. If an rper is starting to go overboard with their inability to get hurt, or taking too much damage without dying, or backing out of the fight, I will inform them of this and give them their warning. That brings up another note I did forget to inform everyone: A) Follow what I just explained, you are a player like everyone else in the game. B) Don't forget that weapons and armor have durability ratings in SAO and can break if hit hard enough, or after a period of time without repair. Anyway, Hail, you have the grand understanding of the stats now, so just remember that things like Resistance and Defense come together to give you an understanding of how durable and strong your character is against enemies, while speed and dexterity come together for agility, precision, and so on. Strength is understandable and simple, it simply determines your strength with weapons, your fists, and how much you can reasonably carry.