Gabriel stared intensely at the brush ahead of him from around the corner of the tree, waiting silently for something to break through. The moments ticked by, and he found himself doubting if there was anything there at all. Eventually, when he was almost sure it had simply been the wind or some of the native wildlife, several figures broke through the plant life. Three utterly alien figures, all of them walking on four legs, with long necks that were topped with little eye stalks, and in their hands they carried guns of some kind, judging from the general look of the weapon. He pulled back behind the tree and radioed back to the rest of the squad. "This is Corporal Vargas... I've got line of sight with three of our new guests and they haven't seen me yet... They're armed, but it looks like they're only just scouting right now..." He also gave back a quick description of of the creatures before the sergeant of the squad radioed back. [i]"Alright, good. Keep out of sight until I get to you, I'm headed your way now."[/i] Gabriel peered back around the tree for a moment, and quickly ducked back behind it, cursing. The aliens were headed closer to him. He quickly looked around for someplace to duck to, but every option had him moving through some measure of open ground, and they were too close for him to get away unseen. He was panicking now. There was no way out and they were getting closer by the moment. Gabriel closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He quickly radioed back, "Sorry sarge, but looks like I'm going to have to make contact without you..." There was a flurry of questions and requests for clarification from the other end, but Gabriel shut them out of his mind as he moved to reveal himself from behind the tree only to be met face-to-face with one of them. Gabriel let out a scream, lashing out with one hand to push the thing back and away from him as he took a few steps backwards himself, quickly bringing up his rifle to bear. His eyes darted between the three things before him, sizing them up. [i]This is going well,[/i] he thought to himself. He grimaced as he wondered what to do next. They probably wouldn't understand a single word he said. Did they even properly communicate through words? For all he knew these things were fucking telepathic. Still, he had to try something. "D-Drop your weapons?" Gabriel ventured. [i]Yea, great job Gabe... You're totally making a good first impression here.[/i]