Both Carson and Victor watched the females argue. They exchanged a glance, the boss shaking his head as Carson nodded back. The big man stepped forward, letting out a deep breath as he waited until Beatrix had finished speaking. Victor's expression changed from one of cool and calmness to one of annoyance mixed with slight anger. "Enough! Both of you, you're fighting like children. This is not how members of this agency conduct themselves. You cannot be at each other's throats, too much importance is riding on our missions succeeding to have them disrupted by a blood feud. I've been through this exact situation too many times in my long service here, and believe you me, I would love for this time to be the last." Victor said, his voice raised enough so that he got the attention of everyone in the room. "Lupa, you are not the authoritive figure here. I am, as well as Carson who is damn well capable of leading you all through hell and back. He's among the brightest in the Regiment, you will not question him unless you have a very, very good reason to. If you object to something he orders you to do, you are to speak to me, immediately. You came here willingly. You fully agreed to join us in our cause. But the door is wide open. If you cannot handle yourself around your teammates," Victor said, looking right at Lupa and Ruri, then pausing to glare at Beatrix before looking back at Lupa. "You and anyone else are free to go through that door and never come back. No questions asked. The only opportunity to do that is now." He said, crossing his arms and turning his attention to Beatrix. "No teammate here kills another. Period. You do not want to know what happens if one of you were to do that. Save your hatred for the enemies you will encounter. Whether they be werewolf, vampire, gargoyle or whatever. Now is not the time to fight. I am not asking you to like each other, I am asking you to work together. Which I believe you all can do." Victor stated, finishing speaking as he stepped back to the side of Carson, who didn't really have anything to add. He just kept the same stern look on his face during Lupa's, Beatrix's and Victor's entire speeches. Then Jaime entered the room a second later, quietly taking a seat. "Kind of you to join us, Ms. Shambrook." Victor said to human female, flashing a friendly smile in greeting.