“With all due respect, sir…” Trixy began, as if she could have respect for a creature who’d only seen barely 50 years on this Earth, yet referred to [i]her[/i] as a child, “fighting generally involves both parties raising their voices, sometimes even a physical altercation. We were merely discussing a topic of dear concern to us, as some of us obviously weren’t aware of what working for this institution entailed. Perhaps you should be a little bit clearer with future recruits.” Trixy leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table as she continued her final piece. “Furthermore, if the wolves and I had any intention of killing each other, there would already be blood on your pretty little table.” She said as she ran her blood-red fingernails across the table in a gesture of emphasis. “You’re an experienced man, surely you can understand this is how we must handle things: a little discussion to cut the tension and mystery out of everything. This is America after all, we should be able to express our freedom of speech, no? How else are we supposed to work together in the future?” she asked with a bit of a light-hearted chuckle. “Worry not, I promise not to kill your lupine recruits… but I’m not promising to save them either, and I’m sure they’d say the same for me.” As she finished her speech, her stomach twisted a little bit, but not out of nerves. Ruri spoke her piece and Trixy nodded, supposing it was good to be honest. She just hoped to be released from this room soon. Trixy's eyes went back to Victor “I’d also probably feel a little more cooperative if you showed me to your dining facilities, as I feel likely to break your diet rules at the moment. Besides, it's pretty clear the wolves don't like the way I smell.”