Kumazawa was fairly well liked in the village. Not like a celebrity but his family had never been a bother, the farm and mill produced a number of commodities beyond the base sesame they also traded with and he would often handle situations where an extreme amount of strength was required completely free of charge, just to show off his abilities. The eatery was quite popular as well despite being a messy joint where people couldn't even sit down to eat and he liked to attribute the success of his "restaurant", such as it was, to his food not being so drowned in spices that people had trouble eating it, and he liked to do so often, loudly and in the open, perhaps the most deplorable part of his personality. Still, despite the friendly greetings and some inane gossip, it seemed like a dull day without much going, so he approached the Guardian HQ. If there was a place that might have some excitement waiting for him, that'd be it. Otherwise he'd just have to strike out on his own and see what he could find. "Eeeeeeeeey, guard bros! Need something killed by hand?" he called out when he saw the gathering of people nearby, not spotting Tetsuo amongst them. He'd wrestled down a few beasts for the Guardians here and there, so it wasn't strange that he'd ask for such an assignment. The only reason he had never been asked to join was because he refused to memorize the laws. "Remember I work for free, quite the deal, eh?".