"Don't try to play mind games with me, Beatrix. I know your kind, I've dealt with ones twice your age." Victor stated calmly in reply, then glanced around the others in the room. Noticing the amount of tension. This was not what he wanted from the introductory meeting, but he figured he should have expected it. "Carson and I were planning to go over the mission, but he will brief you on that tommorow. For now, we're done with this meeting. You have the rest of the night to yourselves." Victor said, then glanced at Carson before exiting the room, heading to his personal office. "Beatrix, we have blood packets in storage in the laboratory, simply take the elevator down there and they shall give you your needed amount," He said, speaking to her before turning to the rest of the group. "It is almost six o'clock, if you're hungry then the mess hall is serving dinner right now. The rest of the facility is yours to explore, I suggest you do just that. Just please don't disturb any of the scientists or researchers if they are in the middle of something." "If you need me, I'll be in the gym. Everyone is dismissed." Carson stated, heading towards the door out of the briefing room.