"You'll get yourself expelled." George commented, stepping off the stairs they currently stood on. Of course any duelling team had spent many years perfectly curses, hexes and jinxes that were already lingering on the edge of the ban list. That sort of thing was legal on a stage, though even he knew the teachers wouldn't accept anything that happened offstage. "If it hadn't been for Dolohov's need to play hero, we would have won." He commented, venom obvious in his tone. George had enemies, plenty, yet when it came to duelling, he had always forced himself to take team members on skill alone. Even if that meant having to keep an extra eye out. He moved down through the halls and found the staircase that twisted towards the dungeons. The other students he'd been walking with shouted a fair well and moved along into the ground. There were a lot of things on his mind already this year, and they weren't even four weeks into the year.