[center][b]HAU[/b][/center] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]DACYRIA HIGH ORBIT, LOGISTICS STATION[/b] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aurel was standing right in front of the main view display, staring anxiously at the station ahead. She was sure at her warship was showing no signs of backing down. It was still in a very effective combat position and what was most likely weapons were still emitting incredible energy. She hoped that her ships extreme power output would still operate as a shock and awe at this point. You can only point a gun at someone so long before fear drains away. A more ignorant foe would provoke combat by trying to scale arms and show their own force. Aurel knew that feeling, as she had made this mistake in battle before. Her previous vessel was staring down a superior warship in a small military engagement long ago. Both warships were first responder reinforcements to a battle that was nearing its end. As they decelerated from their respective faster than light methods, there was nothing left but wreckage and dust. No one around to hear either ships crew scream if they were to fire. The vessel broadcast very simple orders, stand down and leave. An easy out for anyone, especially during a conflict that had claimed many lives. Aurel didn't back down though, she turned to broadside her foe but didn't realize the enemy ship wasn't in the mood for games. The second she charged her ships weapons, alarms were going off and half her crew had perished from a massive barrage of heavy weapons fire. She had no choice but to abandon her ship and as a result, spent years in a prison ship. The conflict was short lived when main Hau naval forces arrived and promptly smashed their foe but even as she got her freedom back, she was still sore from her loss. A pioneer ship was no match for that front line warship.. and here she was in the opposite position. Her ship was the stronger of the two and the enemy's life was at the mercy of her trigger finger. System brought up an image of the immediate battle space. "Michon Aurel, We have a fifteen incoming unguided projectiles approaching fast from the opposite side of the station. If they lower their shields, those projectiles may damage the station, if not outright destroy it.". This seemed to snap Aurel from her memories, the constant reminders of her past were swept away by reality. "Michon Aurel, their shields are lowering. They are either intimidated by our presence enough to risk being destroyed or are unaware of the incoming projectiles." Aurel took a few steps back from the display but was still very much aware of the situation. "Damn it.. OK, Have side batteries target those projectiles." System brought up a display of the shots incoming. Their straight path and distance to target gave the Tar'ee a good chance of downing the most threatening of shells before they would even get close. "System, engage the largest shells. Their deflector shield should be enough to block the smaller ones." "Yes Michon Aurel, firing." A few of those hovering plates on the hull snapped into new positions and fired a very high powered green beam towards the shells. The weapons were low powered Hau point defense weapons but still put out excessive power. As the shot hit the round, the metal started to turn green as well and within a second, had burst in to a small puff of greenish gray smoke. The weapons fired a total of seven shots, destroying the largest and most threatening incoming projectiles. Aurel was satisfied at the result but realized her imposing stance against the station was gone. She had just technically saved their lives.. [i]She had to engage them in conversation now.[/i] "System, scans reveal the one giving orders?" "Yes Michon Aurel, shall I target with a projector?" "No, prepare a transfer. I'll be in room four." "Yes Michon Aurel." Aurel walked through the corridors of the ship in to a large brightly lit room. It had no visible objects inside other than a six foot wide gray circle in the middle of the room. As the doors closed, Aurel walked up to a console and began changing settings in the room. The walls, as well as the ceiling and floor turned jet black, only to then appear as if the room was just a glass box in space. "System, transfer the target when ready." Since the Stations shields were down, there was no problem at all targeting Jason and pulling him from the room he was in. Any one standing in a room with him, they would see him glow a bright blue for seconds then just, disappear in a flash. To the target, things were far different. A bright blue flash would give way to vision being stretch in all directions. The room wouldn't spin but just elongate towards the intended destination. what seemed like a solid continuous bolts of lightning zips around and the temperature changes from moderate heat to a decent chill would change off very often, giving the body no real chance to get used to it. lights seem to stretch infinity in all directions, then the pull takes place. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]The Tar'ee[/b] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It would feel as if one was jerked from stationary to one hundred miles an hour within a second. Gravity would feel off as hands and feet became almost unbearably heavy. Reality around the target spins wildly... but as quickly as it started, it would end. A bright white flash signaled the end of the event. All one would see in the room is the gray flat circle at ones feet. everything else was just wide open expanse. The Tar'ee could be seen straight ahead and the Station behind. Aurel slowly moved towards the target in the center of the room. She had a very poised and stately walk. Her long black hair was pulled in to a high pony tail and her outfit was far more revealing than any human military personnel would wear. Nothing extreme or erotic, just far more than anyone would be used to. Her form was human in all ways except for the few differences, the fewer fingers being the most obvious. When she finally got to the center, she would seem imposing in her own right, standing nine feet. Her form was very feminine but had a strong build. All she did was stand there, staring down at the new arrival. Even if the target were to say anything, she still made the same comment, "Welcome to my ship, the Tar'ee. My name to you is Michon Aurel. Though I am not bothered by simply 'Aurel'." "I am here to discuss our current situation." She pointed at the station ahead and within seconds, the Tar'ee opened up a full broadside with green beams tearing in to hull plating, blueish red beams hitting with intense force and causing massive explosions, and what looks like solid green projectiles firing from the ships barrels that upon hitting the hull, seemed to bounce inside the plating and exploding deep within the station. The barrage lasted a few minutes before the burning station broke into pieces, pieces that were floating slowly apart. "If you are dishonest, or betray my trust.. this will be a reality." And with the blink of an eye, the station was visible again.. perfectly fine. "Now please, Who are you?"