[center]Kaya Lefèvre, [i]Skirmisher[/i] Combat, darkness, fire, frost.[/center] --- [i]Shit.[/i] Staring at the doors that she could not see—though she knew to be closed—Kaya had the distinct impression that that was [i]not[/i] supposed to happen. With Cora still waiting for the paper and Nova's final admittance of some supernatural interference, Kaya was decidedly not looking forward to whatever would happen next. "Shit," she said, this time aloud. Turning to Cora more out of habit than practicality, Kaya's eyes were wide with shock and worry. "Look, I don't know what's about to happen, but we gotta stick together, alright?" She felt her breath begin to get a bit heavier. Fighting that metal man in broad daylight was one thing. She was used to violence, adrenaline, danger, action of the [i]moment[/i]. She had been trained to react automatically, all the decisions planned out before things went bad. But now she faced darkness. She faced the unknown. And worst of all, she had time to [i]think[/i]. And she [i]knew[/i] she was scared. And knowing's half the battle, no?