[center]Rémix, [i]Gaulish Barber-Surgeon[/i]. Surgery, first aid, barber, cooking, sentry, scouting, manual labour, literacy, brawling, polearms.[/center] --- Rémix was content to have at least [i]one lead[/i] that wasn't quickly shot down. While he would most certainly have disliked searching around on a doomed-to-failure investigation on such trivial leads, he couldn't help but feel a little discouraged by the lack of support from Lugurix. "Would you mind showing me this bite?" he asked as he began to search the man's visible flesh with his fingertips. A dog bite was as good a place as any to look for disease, with how easily it attains infection. "And could you tell me where I could find this dog?" Festered flesh always looked about the same, but if he could see the actual live animal that bit him, he might be able to search [i]it[/i] for signs of the same symptoms that were affecting the villagers.