Username: FrozenEcstasy [hider=Basic Info]Name: Martin Johnson Age: 19 Gender: Male [/hider] [hider=Schedule] Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays he works at a local libary (Within rolling distance) from 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Every other day he does internet shit and writes cheesy poetry. [/hider] [hider=Appearance] Martin would be a tall person if he had the ability to stand, around 6'3" or so, but because of the fact he's in a wheelchair he is on level with most people's midriff. His skin is rather pale and peachy mostly because of his ancestry, but also largely because he doesn't get out much. He has a thinly shaped face with a strong jawline and bone structure, his features being somewhere between cute and handsome as his face is almost a babyface. A few freckles dot the bridge of his nose but not many, just enough, however, to make a set of faded emerald-green eyes pop. He has his strawberry blonde hair dyed a heavily dark brown that almost seems black, styled short in an undercut with a sideways motion forcing his naturally wavy hair. Now as a way to express his rebellion against popular society, his clothes are often dark and black, not exactly emo or anything, but they're dark with few pops of color. He has a tattoo up his right forearm of song lyrics overgrown with flowering vines with one of the vines reaching onto the back of his hand. A gold-and-emerald earring lies inside his right earlobe. On occasion he can be caught with guyliner (Sexy af, sexy af, sexy af Nosebleed *L*) [/hider] [hider=Personality] Martin was at one time ignorant to the evils of humanity and was gullible because of it, believing there was good in everyone. Now he may still believe there is good in everyone, but he is no longer as gullible. It is now very hard to earn his trust, but if you manage to he is a very loyal friend, almost to a fault. He is a closet dork, loving nerdy movies, playing computer games, and reading manga, but Martin is very good at hiding this behind what only appears to be a gruff exterior. You could describe Martin as a puppy locked up in a punky human cage, looking for a release. [/hider] [hider=Things That Can Be Read In History]Reason for moving into the dorm: See History! Romantic/Sexual Experience: See History, But Martin has a secret rule (HINT HACK WHEEZE YOU ASKED FOR THIS) He's also a demisexual dork Education Level: High School + Libraries Life Goal: Fall in Love (That's it, really that's it) Current Goal: Feel like more than a guy in a wheelchair [/hider] [hider=History] A couple of years ago, when he was only fourteen, Martin found himself without and command over his legs. It was an accident, really, that he would be put in a wheelchair. Walking by himself on the way to the bookstore, the winter snow had begun to fall in a blizzard-like fashion, whiting out the landscape before Martin's eyes. He stepped out onto the street without noticing, the snow's blanket a cruel deception. The truck of a local farmer (as you see, Martin's hometown was on the small side) came through going entirely to fast to be safe in a snowstorm, and overtook Martin before the brakes could even be applied. He was thrown into the air and when he landed, several bones were crushed along with a plethora of other injuries. Martin went back to school near the end of his junior year and found the entire school to be suddenly on his side. It was weird, he had been a dorky boy with glasses who did nothing but sit around and read... romance novels. Well, to be entirely honest, some were dorky sci-fi shit, others had knights and whatnot. He simply enjoyed the reverie of a well written book. It secluded him in a way, and made him sort of eerie to the other teenagers. But no, when he came back to school, everyone and their mother (quite literally) decided to love him up and down. To suddenly take interest in his books, his drawings of fearsome myths, his odd little collection of Pokemon cards he could never bother himself to get rid of. Everyone seemed to find him so damned interesting all of a sudden. It was a joyous occasion at first, until things started becoming noticeable. People rolled their eyes when they thought he wasn't looking, had a nervousness to their voice. Near the end of his senior year, Martin and his sweetheart Jacob, school quarterback (LOOOOONG ass story) had an... interesting conversation. It was two months before graduation and Jacob confessed to Martin. "I never loved you." And so Martin was initiated into a new world yet again, one in which a realization of the darkness of humanity came to haunt his dreams forever. One by one he got his closest friends to admit that they only talked to him because of pity. "Who says no to a guy in a wheelchair?" they'd say. Some wouldn't say anything, especially the girls. Opting out to tearing up and just leaving Martin sitting there. When it came down to it, he had one friend left, Dallas. Dallas was a black haired boy with a penchant for trouble-making and a vehement tongue lashings. A creature without societal chains. Dallas loved Martin for who he was, and tried to help with the issues at hand. But Martin was blinded to love after all the heartbreak, and even Dallas was shoved away. Martin moved away to a nearby city and found an old apartment to stay in. Living off disability checks and trying to help out at the library, he made a living. He changed his appearance radically, taking on the image of one who had a "troubled" teenage life in society's eyes. He lost himself in his new found solitude, and looked for the day when he found real love, not pity.[/hider] Notes: -Martin is an original character that has been in several 1x1 RPs and this is his group debut. -Dallas will make an appearance later to make Martin's life turn upside down. :3