Name: Baron Oswald von Freudenberger Age: 139, appearance of 27 Appearence: Personality: The years have shaped his personality. While normally a jovial and polite fellow, he has OCD of extreme severity. History: The Von Freundenberg were originaly nobility who dabbled in the occult, but their studies became more serious once they began to discover their mana potential. They were one of many magi clans fighting for dominance of the spiritual lands of the fragmented German States. They proved themselves among the most tenacious of the bunch. By the end of the Thirty Years War, the von Freudenberger family was in charge of the land around Munich, and the other families of Bavaria fell in line. Born at the end of the 19th century, Oswald was the only child of his generation in the family. By that time, the von Freudenberger family had grown quite a bit, and were spread across Germany. His early years are rather unremarkable, basically the standard for the heir of a Magi Clan. But when WWI rolled around, he enlisted as soon as he could. He ended up assigned to the same cavalry division as Manfred von Richthofen, before he became known as the "Red Baron." He earned his title on the battlefield. When bullets hit him, he always seemed to just shrug it off. Truth was he was almost constantly using a Rune of Self-Healing to heal the wounds, and just avoiding the instantly lethal hits through dumb luck. Alongside his comrade, he enlisted in the German airforce, and maintain his reputation, this time by using magecraft to repair his plane when it got damaged. He was never as skilled a pilot as von Richthofen, but he held the distinction of never being shot down. After the war, he retreated back into the family castle and remained there for the next twenty years, staying out of the chaos spreading through the newly christened republic. The only actions taken during this period were to ensure his own people remained out of the conflict. His family were still landed aristocrats and very wealthy, something much of Germany was not. The only involvement in WWII that he allowed himself was to, effectively, chase what he considered children off of his lawn, Allies and Axis powers alike. Only after the war was over did he come out of his castle. With the beginning of the Cold War, he pushed away a Soviet attempt to take his lands with an almost bored disinterest. His only reasoning for becoming involved in the Ragnarok is because an old favor he owns to the current Fateweaver. Runes: Von Freudenberger Clan Runes (Fire): The Von Freudenberger family focuses on the use of runes to produce raw elemental spells, generally for combat situations, and their uses are generally more flexible than most would think. The training of each family member is determined by their respective element at birth. Oswald's specialization is Fire based. He can use it to create explosions, bursts of smoke, fire, and heat. The runes are inscribed on the Der Dirigent (The Conductor), a sword cane that Oswald uses as his main weapon, and catalyst for his magic. Yggdrasil Seed:WIP Stats- STR=7 AGI=7 CON=9 WP=8 POW=4 MP=7