Hey, sorry I left without notice! I'm going to put up a new character! [Hider=Poseidon][IMG=http://www.animemay.com/thumbnails/detail/20121216/clouds%20robots%20mecha%20weapons%20anime%20anime%20girls%20swords%20diamond%201684x1191%20wallpaper_www.animemay.com_65.jpg][/Hider] [B][Center]Name:[/Center][/B] [Center]Poseidon[/Center] [B][Center]Age:[/Center][/B] [Center][I]"Age does not matter. I can always be repaired."[/I][/Center] [B][Center]Title:[/Center][/B] [Center]None[/Center] [B][Center]Faction:[/Center][/B] [Center]The Ultimatum, under Nilfilheim, The Cerulean Knight[/Center] [B][Center]Personality:[/Center][/B] [Center]Poseidon has no personality. That is to say that he started with one, but after his tome warped his body into the shell that remains, all needs for emotions had been removed and deemed unnecessary. Without his humanity, also including his morals that he believed in as a human, Poseidon is cold and cruel to those who defy their place in the world and try to break free from fate, stating, [I]"Their programming is definite, their fates stand still."[/I] Though fully committed to the Cerulean Knight and the Superior, he feels that the other knights are [I]"modified just as I am. However, their code is foreign to this system, and therefore unnecessary."[/I] In recent times, he has taken an interest to the Librarian and their [I]"unfinished coding sequence"[/I], suggesting that Poseidon may feel something, after all...[/Center] [B][Center]History:[/Center][/B] [Center]Woe has befallen this poor old soul; upon receiving his tome three decades ago, he was morphed into his mechanical form, never to revert back. However, the newly created Poseidon knew his purpose, and that was to give his vast knowledge on every tome and alternate form to those with the authority to access these files. Grasping all knowledge that he could into his nearly unlimited hard drive, he had basically become a back up for the Intelligence Division. With his vast and incredible memory, he stuck close to Kellerin Vendextrus, curious to know all of the secrets that the Cerulean Knight that could be offered.[/Center] [B][Center]Tome:[/Center][/B] [Center]Name: The Trident[/Center] [Center]Color: Steel Blue, with a trident head latching the top most corner sealed.[/Center] [Center]Shape: The Trident stays true to its name as its shape is triangular, with two latches holding the bottom two corners shut.[/Center] [Center]Ability: Other than turning the user into a large memory-capacity mobile computer, The Trident is capable of detecting vital signs and incoming danger.[/Center]